Disposal Sites and Volumes

Under the resource consent, Port Otago disposes dredged material across three sites.   The maximum disposal volume over the 3 sites remains the same as previous inshore consents.  The maximum total volume of 450,000m3 of material derived from both maintenance and capital dredging to be deposited each year.  

Map of disposal sites

The disposal sites are as follows:

Heyward Point

Heyward Point disposal site is an area of approximately 225 hectares, and receives sand, rock, and silt material from both maintenance and capital dredging.  The grid coordinates of the Heyward site are: (Map reference NZTM 2000)

  • E1420309 N4931834
  • E1421276 N4930679
  • E1422429 N4931657
  • E1421462 N4932797


Aramoana disposal site is an area of approximately 36 hectares, and receives only sand material from both maintenance and capital dredging.  The grid coordinates of the Aramoana site are: (Map reference NZTM 2000)

  • E1421464 N4929554
  • E1422088 N4929053
  • E1422376 N4929414
  • E1421739 N4929914

The total volume to be deposited across the Heyward Point and Aramoana disposal grounds shall not exceed an average of 300,000m3/year, calculated over any 5-year period.  Notwithstanding the previous sentence, the total volume deposited at Aramoana should not exceed an average of 100,000m3/year calculated over any 5-year period.  The intention is that the normal deposition will be up to 100,000m3 at Aramoana and up to 200,000m3 at Heyward Point each year.

Shelly Beach

Shelly Beach disposal site is an area of approximately 14.5 hectares, and receives only sand derived from eastward of Tayler Point.  The total maximum volume that Shelly Beach disposal site can receive is 50,000m3 per year.  The grid coordinates of the Shelly Beach site are: (Map reference NZTM 2000)

  • E1422239 N4928298
  • E1421925 N4927955
  • E1422203 N4927759
  • E1422465 N4928119