Port Security
Ports and shipping worldwide must comply with the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code) security measures.
New Zealand’s Maritime Security Act 2004 safeguards port users and the local community, while also providing for the security of trade and tourism.
Port Otago Limited is verified by Maritime New Zealand as being compliant with all international security requirements.
International Ship and Port Facility Security Code
Entry Restrictions and Requirements
All entry to the Port is controlled and subject to possessing acceptable photographic identification. Entering any of the Port facilities is deemed as consent for identification checks and searching. Failure to consent to the security measures in place will result in admittance being denied.
Visitors wishing to undertake business within the Port area or at the main administration office at Port Chalmers should schedule their visit in advance.
N.B. Photo identification will be required on arrival.
Contractor and Transport Operators
For regular visitors to the Port (such as truck operators), special arrangements apply.
Contact Customer Services for more information:
Phone: +64 3 472 9876
Email: customerservices@portotago.co.nz
Cruise Ship welcomes and farewells
Due to logistical and security reasons, welcoming and farewelling passengers needs to happen outside the official Port space.
There are two particularly good vantage points for viewing cruise ships’ arrivals and departures: Flag Staff hill and Scott Memorial.
Ships wishing to enter port
Vessels affected by the ISPS Code requirements should submit Advance Notice of Arrival forms and crew/visitor/passenger/vendor lists to the Port Facility Security Officer at least 24 hours prior to arrival at the Pilot Station or Anchorage.
N.B. All crew and ship passengers must carry photo identification when proceeding ashore.
Port Facility Security Officer
Fax: +64 3 472 9712
Email: portprotectionofficers@portotago.co.nz
Cargo arrangements
Port Otago and the New Zealand Customs Service use the most up-to-date equipment to provide enhanced border security.
Exporters are now subject to increased compliance requirements. It is worth considering being part of the Secure Export Scheme (SES).