Rail Services
SouthGate Rail Service
Port Otago has two dedicated SouthGate rail services, which run between:
- Timaru and Port Chalmers
- Southland (Invercargill, Clifton, Bluff) and Port Chalmers.
Making a SouthGate booking:
- Download and complete the form below to book your container on our rail service:
Port-Otago-Rail-Booking-Form.xls - Email the completed form to SouthGateRail@portotago.co.nz or telephone 0508 SOUTHG8 (0508 768 84 48)
- You will receive a booking confirmation to check details are correct.
Other rail service bookings
All rail bookings and subsequent amendments ex Port Chalmers must be emailed to both Port Otago and Kiwirail by 1500 hours (3pm) the business day before rail ex Port Chalmers is required.
For bookings ex Port Chalmers required on-site Monday, bookings must be made by 1500 hours (3pm) on the Thursday before the containers are required.
Prenotification (prenoting) is a requirement for all containers coming to Port Otago.
Options for electronic prenoting include:
- JMT RIA web system
- JMT Thin Client
- JMT Full Client, and
- Electronic Data Interchange (EDI).
Port Otago's Customer Services team can help identify your best prenoting option and set you up:
Phone: +64 3 472 9876
Email: customerservices@portotago.co.nz