Wharf Access

The following rules relate to Cruise Ship business and are in place to keep people safe.

  • All contractor and visitor vehicles are restricted from accessing the wharf during berthing. This includes ship agents, providores and tour operator vehicles. 
  • In addition to vessel berthing, no vehicles will be permitted on to the wharf at any time unless a prior arrangement is made with the Duty Cruise Ship Coordinator and the Ship’s Agent. Please note this pertains to Cruise Ship business only and is for vehicles servicing the ship.
  • All persons not involved in the ship’s arrival operation, but who are required to board the vessel prior to the vessel being cleared (government officials) must wait inside the Cruise Terminal until the wharf has been cleared by lines crew and crane/sideloader operators. Permission will be granted by the Duty Cruise Ship Coordinator once the area is deemed safe.
  • A Port Otago staff member or contracted security staff will allow controlled access onto the wharf at an agreed scheduled time to ensure the safety of everyone onsite.
  • All vehicle access will be via the side gate at the Cruise Terminal or through A Shed. The only vehicles through the Terminal Gate will be emergency services. (Exception: Emergency Services being redirected due to the Ovation of the Seas’ deployment of a breast line.)
  • Delivery vehicles are permitted one at a time, authorised by the Duty Cruise Ship Coordinator.
  • Ships’ Agents is to ensure crew, passenger, and supernumerary lists have been provided to Port Otago ahead of the vessel call, and that all concerned carry original photo ID. (Photocopies of ID detail will not be accepted.) PLEASE NOTE: Contractors and other visitors requiring access on-board a ship must ensure this is arranged through the Ship’s Agent ahead of the call.