How long have you been at Port Otago?
Since November 2018.
What does your role involve?
The core part of my role is looking after our websites, file storage and SharePoint-based intranet. I also lead exploration and rollout of new tools related to efficiency and automation. Basically, this work is about automating paper-based processes. Data on paper is just a bit of paper. That same data digitised can do so much more. We want as much of the company's data to be digital, so we can utilise it quickly and accurately.
Describe your team
I'm part of a lean but experienced IT team. We are the one-stop shop for all the port's IT needs, drawing on the expertise of external vendors for niche support, when needed. Luckily for us Dunedin is full of great IT providers for us to choose from.
There's heaps to learn at Port Otago and we are encouraged to attend external training courses and spend time researching innovation and new technology.
Best part of your job?
I love dealing with all the staff and the variety that comes with my role. My responsibilities are much more diverse than those I've had in other larger companies.
The short morning drive along the harbour is a pretty nice way to start each day too!
Any challenges?
A port is a complex machine and there is always a lot going on to ensure things run smoothly. We run fortnightly "small-change meetings", where decisions are made around immediate priorities for relatively minor IT work requests. These are invaluable for identifying jobs we can do quickly and for immediate benefit.
What did you do before you came to Port Otago?
I've had various IT-based roles, primarily in Dunedin, but a couple of years in London too. Dunedin is a great place to live and I wouldn't want to be anywhere else.